Saturday, September 20, 2008

Recent Pics

We have not posted any pics of Jeanel, her hubby and the kids lately. So we did a photo shoot. Jeanel's oldest was not there, but he will add him ASAP!!!! Jeanel's strong, amazing spirit continues to shine through her eyes. We can only wish to have half of her strength. We LOVE You Jeanel!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanel.
I was thinking about you today and wanted to say hi. Thank you for sharing your learning moment of the really is that simple as following God's way and nothing else, why can't I remember that! It is great to hear from you in the updates. You look like the fantastic, strong woman that I know in the pictures. I am looking forward to seeing you once this surgery business is finished.
Hugs and prayers,
michelle said...

I was so excited to meet you on Wednesday. It was great to talk to someone who "gets it". It is a difficult road we travel, and I am always so grateful when I meet a new friend along the way. I feel so much better knowing that I am not alone, and there are others out there who are fighting the same battle as I am. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you this week as you undergo surgery. It is a difficult thing, both emotionally and physically, but know that no matter how hard it is, it does get better. The wounds will heal, it just takes time. Then one day, you look back, and ou can't believe that the pain is not there anymore.

The fear is sometimes the worst. I remember how scared I was before my surgery. Just remember to turn that fear over to the Savior. He has already suffered this, so he can help you. Remember that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light, but you have to let Him help you. If you need to talk, or have questions, or need someone to cry with, or laugh with, or complain with, please email or call me. I am so glad that our paths have crossed, and I know that there is no such thing as coincidence. Heavenly father guides us, and blesses us, and I feel blessed to have met you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I pray that everything goes smoothly, and wish you a speedy recovery.