Since August I have been traveling to Seattle on a monthly basis to participate in an experimental vaccine in an attempt to build an immune response against the tumor cells. This last trip I took with my sister-in-law Brooke, who moved from the Seattle area to Utah just over 3 years ago. We had a great time and were able to see the sights and visit friends.
We took a ferry from Brementon to Seattle. It was cold, but the sights were amazing.
One of Brooke's friends showed us the local Seattle hot spots.

I had a chance to stay at my friend Lilian's for a night and also meet up with her for dinner in the city. One of my other highlights was visiting Alesha and meeting her sweet daughters. (Sorry no picture.)

The Public Market has amazing seafood. This is the stand where on a previous trip, my mom and I bought crab and took it back to the hotel to not only eat, but also cook. It was truly a gourmet meal and tons of fun!

The fruits and veggies are unbelievable!!!
Brooke and I stayed at a hotel that had a gingerbread house contested featuring themes from various movies. Large companies donate their creations and streams of people come to feast their eyes.

This was my favorite scene. Amazing creativity!
This week Bruce and I also did a presentation for the McKay-Dee Family Medicine Residency to educate the residency about inflammatory breast cancer by sharing our story. While preparing for the lecture, Bruce and I realized how difficult this past year and a half has been. Reflecting back over the course of the previous 18 months opened some wounds, but also reminded us how blessed we have been and helped us be more grateful for today. Julie was sure right when she said, "It's amazing what a difference a year makes."
I hope you are enjoying this holiday season! Our boys are at such fun ages. They all love to sing, especially Christmas carols. Ryker started carrying around a plastic bucket with a foam wedge and a foam letter and saying that it was, 'the little Lord Jesus'. Xander and I have asked multiple times which is 'the little Lord Jesus', but we haven't gotten an answer. I ask out of curiosity, but I think Xander asks so that he knows which one to take when he wants to bug Ryker. That pretty much sums up the Christmas spirit at our house. Boys!....
Love to you all!