Monday, September 22, 2008


11 treatments down- just one more to go. This week I had some numbness in my hands, feet, and face, but it got less as the days went by.
On Thursday I went to the Social Security office to change Landon's card. While I was there talking to the worker at the window, one of the managers came by to see if he could help. He told me he would call me later to work out some issues. When he called we began to talk and realized that his wife also has inflammatory breast cancer. He told me that he never comes to the windows, but felt that he should come and talk to me. I am so grateful he did and will have the opportunity to meet his wife on Wednesday when we are in the chemo lab receiving our treatments.
Saturday, the boys spent the morning at Brooke and Sherms's while Bruce and I went to the temple. Thanks! We had a wonderful time together.
Suzette came up and spent the night on Saturday and spent most of Sunday with us. I am so lucky to have been blessed with my sister as my best friend. We had a great time and talked about a chic's weekend to NY!
Another development is that we have had three people call this week who are very interested in buying our lot. Nothing is in writing, but one step closer.
The Lord is mindful of us and He answers our prayers. So, thanks for all of your love, faith, and prayers.